Friday, 24 April 2015

Life is unfolding!

I know I haven't written in you for some time, dear journal of mine, and for that I apologize. I've been so caught up in life and time sneaks up on us so quickly and unknowingly at times.

Many exciting things have taken place in Avonlea over the last few weeks. I have been officially accepted as Avonlea's creative writing teacher, and will be permanently teaching every Monday afternoon! It is such a joy in my life right now to be preparing lessons and engaging the creativity within the minds of the young once again. It is very fulfilling during these times when my life seems to be rather left on hold.

I also had a surprise visit recently. Gil is home for a few weeks. It's lovely to have him here once again, just to simply be in one another's presence. I now have a beautiful ring of pearls to wear on my finger. He has an exquisite, impeccable taste when it comes to those things. So as you may have already gathered, he himself was the "special package" which was to "arrive in the mail"... what a conniver he is!

This past weekend the church held the annual spring Sunday picnic at the White Sands Hotel. Everyone was there - Fred and Diana with baby Fred, Moody and Josie, Gilbert... It was just like living in the days of yore. Diana and I attempted to keep our titles as winners in a rematch of three-legged racing against Gil and Moody, but the men outraced us this time. Oh well - this just means we are tied, and some day I'm sure the real winners will be revealed in a tie-breaker!

We are all still so young at heart, it almost makes me laugh just pondering it. I pray that spark will never fade from any of us.

Soon Gil will return to Dalhousie and my life again will revolve around the happenings of Green Gables and my Monday afternoons of teaching. It may seem so far away now, but as mentioned before, "time sneaks up on us so quickly and unknowingly", and soon, before I even realize it, I will become Gilbert's bride... I will be Mrs. Anne Blythe. There is such a delightful ring to that name!

Things aren't quite as busy now as they were before, so I solemnly swear to myself to make a much greater effort to write in this journal on a regular basis.

Forever yours, 

-Anne Shirley

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